Site Work & Servicing

A site can be unique due to its’ view, size, location, topography, soil, serviceability, access, or any combination of these features. In the geographic area serviced by Rockhaven Homes, we encounter the rocky Canadian Shield, sand, clay, gravel, high-water tables, low well-water tables, high and low-lying areas.
Site servicing can also vary tremendously. Many sites have no services: wells must be dug, septic systems have to be engineered and installed, electrical lines and possibly transformers must be routed, and an energy source for heating and running appliances must be established. A long (and sometimes winding) driveway may also be required.
Liaison and approval with various environmental agencies is often necessary as well, including but not limited to the Niagara Escarpment Commission, Conservation Halton, Credit Valley Conservation, and Grand Valley Conservation. Depending on where your lot is located, the Ministry of Transportation, the Region, and the Municipality may also be involved. Rockhaven Homes is experienced with, and enjoys a solid reputation with the associated agencies.
Site and servicing work is completed using the Rockhaven Design Plus Program™ as well. Integrating your dream home with your building lot typically requires a lot of thought, experience, and the co-ordination and approval of numerous agencies.
Because of a site’s complexity, and their buying power, Rockhaven typically completes the site and servicing requirements for their clients. From initial site review, to the design and engineering required for the various site and servicing needs, Rockhaven Homes can provide a one-stop, single-source solution to their client’s total site and servicing requirements.
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